
共同利用・共同研究推進センター 共同利用・共同研究推進室

Center for Cooperative Research Promotion,  Cooperative Research Promote Section

高圧ガス利用講習会開催のお知らせ 【所内向け】
Announcement of High-pressure Gas Safety Education [for internal users]

This education is required to use high-pressure gas (cryogen and high-pressure gas cylinders) on Kashiwa campus

・第4回 2024年 7月25日  4th July 25, 2024
・第5回 *英語* 2024年10月16日  5th *English* Oct. 16, 2024
・第6回 2024年11月20日  6th Nov. 20, 2024

   時刻:13:30〜16:00 会場:物性研 本館6階大講義室
   Time: 13:30〜16:00 Place: Lecture Room (A632), 6th Floor, ISSP




The Cooperative Research Promotion section was established in April 2022 by consolidating all the technicians and technical support staff of the institute into one section. It aims to enhance its activities to support visiting scientists who participate in cooperative research programs using the research vessels Shinsei Maru and Hakuho Maru, research facilities in the institute including Otsuchi and computing facility, to introduce new equipment and technologies to the institute, and to maintain the research facilities in the institute. The section consists of four organizations that are the Coastal Research Support Group, Laboratory Research Support Group, Field Research Support Group and Climate Research Support Group.

共同利用・共同研究推進センターについて  スタッフ




Laboratory Research Support Group

The Laboratory Research Support Group is responsible for the management and maintenance of common research facilities. The staff not only contribute to maintain research instruments, but also provide technical advice and cooperation to users. The staff are encouraged to acquire and to develop new skills and techniques that will advance research capabilities at AORI.

[ 実験施設の紹介 ] [ 利用案内(所外の方へ) ]
所内専用ページ:  [ 利用案内 ] [ お知らせ ] [ 施設担当者 ] [ ダウンロード ]



Field Research Support Group

This group provides support for both R/V Shinsei Maru and R/V Hakuho Maru research cruises. Its main task is technical support of scientific equipment, primarily through shipboard instruction. Other tasks include maintenance and enhancement of equipment for common use, expert advice on cruise planning, and dock service. It also selects, develops, and purchases new equipments. In order to promote harmonious cooperative cruises, the group also connects and coordinates among scientists as users of the cooperative research and exterior organizations such as the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), which operate the research vessels with the AORI, the authorities concerned, and fishermen’s cooperative associations.

[ 研究船航海計画 ] [ 研究航海報告 ] [ 共同利用観測機器 ] [ 海洋観測機器棟 ]



Coastal Research Support Group

The Coastal Research Support Group is located at Otsuchi Town in Iwate Prefecture, where it operates research boats to support visiting marine scientists. Yayoi (FRP, 12t), which is equipped with an A-frame, is used for research inside and outside ria bays in the Sanriku coastal region. Grand Maillet (FRP, 1.8t) and Esperanza (FRP, 1.4t), which are equipped with outboard motors and capable of quick movement, are used in Otsuchi and Funakoshi Bays



Climate Research Support Group

We develop and maintain numerical models and observation datasets that can be utilized on the High Performance Computing Infrastructure (HPCI) connecting supercomputers nationwide such as “Fugaku” (RIKEN), the Earth Simulator (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), and WISTERIA owned by the Information Technology Center, the University of Tokyo. We supply human resource to the modelling community by educating and training young students and early-career scientists. We work on a variety of issues, from weather predictions of few days, climate projection 100 years ahead, to paleoclimate thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago. We also maintain a climate system research device that can be used by those who visit our institute for collaborative research or to learn numerical simulation technologies.



東京大学大気海洋研究所 〒277-8564 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5
電話 04-7136-6006(代表) FAX 04-7136-6039